Situated amidst woodland and streams of Bordeaux’s fringe site, in Le Haillan, France, Le Haut Perché is free to stay hiking shelter that accommodates up to nine people. The cabin was designed in 2017 by Studio Weave in close collaboration with Bruit du Frigo and Zebra 3.
About Refuges Périurbains: The fringes of Bordeaux remain relatively unknown. As is common to this periphery in most cities, these areas are often overlooked, experienced from afar by car rather than as destinations in their own right. Bridging city and wilderness, peripheral urban sites also o er their own magic and potential. The Refuges Periurbains project encourages the exploration of Bordeaux’s fringe sites by creating a network of stay-over shelters on the edge of the city. Each shelter accommodates up to 9 people and is free to stay in.
— Studio Weave
Photographs by Yvan Detraz
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