Bourgeois / Lechasseur architectes has designed Est-Nord-Est Artists’ Residence. Located in the quiet village of Saint-Jean-Port-Joli, Québec, Canada, the center measures 951m² (10,236ft²).
Artists residence shines a light on Québec village. Centre Est-Nord-Est: contemporary architecture inspired by tradition. During the last three decades, the quiet village of Saint-Jean-Port-Joli known for its longstanding woodcarving tradition has been a rallying point for artists from various locations around the world. What started as a series of casual encounters in the early 1990’s gradually turned into an artist-in-residence program, open to artists looking for inspiration along the St. Lawrence River.
Confined to makeshift facilities until 2018, Centre Est-Nord-Est now boasts a brand new building designed by Québec City’s Bourgeois / Lechasseur architectes. The 951-square-meter structure, which stands on the outskirts of the village, is the result of an architectural competition launched in 2017. After years of preparation and fundraising, the long-awaited Centre Est-Nord-Est sits elegantly on the same site as the building it replaced.
— Bourgeois / Lechasseur architectes
Photographs by Adrien Williams
Visit site Bourgeois / Lechasseur architectes