Located in Terschelling, Frater, Netherlands Dune House is 180-square-metre dwelling with a minimum carbon footprint. Half-sunk into the sandy hills, the home was designed by Marc Koehler in 2014.
The different spaces of the house are connected to each other in a continues way by a spiral route. Split-level floors – functioning as large steps – wind along the central core (used as technical space, fireplace, and bookcase) of the building. This spiraling route connects the most intimate underground private spaces (bedrooms) with the living, dining and relax spaces on the upper levels. Every level has its own unique connection with the surrounding landscape.
The contemporary loft-life open interior space is enclosed by a traditional facade and roof structure, to meet the requirements set by the local government. The silhouette of the Dune House associates both to local architecture pitched and turtle roof types of neighbouring houses and the topography of the natural landscape. The house is almost entirely built out of innovative ecological materials and eco-friendly installations and is highly energy efficient. The use of a unique wooden cross-laminated structure, a unique wooden roofing system and the central heating system based on bio-fuel, reduce the CO2 footprint to a minimum.
— Marc Koehler
Photographs by Filip Dujardin
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