
Prefabricated Tiny House by Avava Systems

California-based company Avava Systems has created a prefabricated tiny house called Britespace. Available in three sizes – 264, 352, and 480ft² (24.5, 32.7, and 44.6m²) – the houses are shipped in flat-packed boxes and can be built in just a few weeks. Their prices range from $60,000 to $223,000 (from £46,700 to £173,600).

Our structural designs are based on patented technology that results in rapid assembly from foundation to fully enclosed and waterproof shell, including quality doors and windows, in four weeks or less. Time for installation of HVAC, plumbing, electrical, and mechanical, along with finishes, will vary from contractor to contractor. Our standardized designs allow for faster permitting as well.

— Avava Systems


Photographs by Sasha Moravec
Visit site Avava Systems

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