
La Quimera House by Ruca Proyectos

La Quimera House is a 114-sqm (1,227-sqft) home designed by Ruca Proyectos. Located on the River Simpson, on the outskirts of the small city of Coyhaique, Chilean Patagonia, the house was completed in 2016.

Architecture, has its origins in traditional constructions southern end of Chile, which aims to support a hostile climate in winter, with snow, rain and cold almost all year. For these conditions and the material to be used, it was decided to raise the house to separate the field.

On the other hand, a budget bounded coupled with a scarce labor and basic technology, led to pose a simple type design wooden shed, to build without special construction details, all based on local pine wood, interior completions grooved plywood boards and covered with zinc. The volume comes from access hermetically coated by the same cover material (zinc plates) and opens fully to the views dominating over the river and the Mackay hill with a large terrace plank. The interior is completely made of wood and the house is assembled from a large table that also serves as a rest inside the staircase and in the terrace as a second dining room.

— Ruca Proyectos

Drawings and Models:


Photographs by Ignacio Santa Maria
Visit site Ruca Proyectos

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