Olson Kundig has designed six 200-sqft (18.6-sqm) cabins, called The Rolling Huts. Located in Mazama, Washington, USA, the huts were completed in 2009, and are now available for booking here.
The construction of each hut is simple. It is, in essence, an offset, steel-clad box on a steel and wood platform. Walls are topped by clerestory windows, over which a sips panel roof floats in an inverted, lopsided “V.” At the north end of each hut, a double-paned sliding glass door opens to the outside. Living occurs not only in the 200 square feet inside the box, but also on the 240 square feet of covered deck space surrounding it. Interior finishes – cork and plywood – are simple, inexpensive, and left as raw as possible. Exteriors are durable, no-maintenance materials: steel, plywood, and car-decking. The raw character of the materials responds and integrates with the natural setting.
The six huts are grouped as a herd: while each is sited toward a view of the mountains – and away from the other structures – their proximity unites them. Showers are located in a centrally located barn, set a short distance from the herd. Rain and snowmelt from each hut are allowed to percolate into the surrounding landscape. In form, siting, scale and materiality, the huts defer to the meadows and forests of the Methow Valley.
— Olson Kundig
Photographs by Tim Bies, Chad Kirkpatrick, Derek Pirozzi / Olson Kundig
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