
Compact Karst House by dekleva gregoric architects

The 92 square-meter (990 square-foot) Compact Karst House is a proto-house for a young family. Located in the windswept countryside of the Karst Plateau, in Vrhovlje, Slovenia, this compact house was designed by dekleva gregoric architects in 2011-2012.

The Compact Karst House is a proto-house and contemporary redefinition of a traditional Karst house.

This small, compact stony house’s design suits the needs of the young family while also following contemporary technological principles and the tradition of these local, almost windowless structures. The proto-house concept is a monolithic mono-material volume inserted with two wooden proto-houses connected within the shared, open gallery. The project raises questions regarding the characteristics of anonymous, traditionally built architecture from which it originates and simultaneously establishes the relationship between contemporary interpretation and the traditionally conditional domain of synthesis.

— dekleva gregorič arhitekti



Photographs by Janez Marolt
Visit site dekleva gregorič arhitekti

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